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Senior Frontend Engineer - Propstack (f/m/d)

  • Stunden: Full-time/Part-time
  • Standort: Berlin Propstack
  • Team: Engineering
Jetzt bewerben

We are a fast growing tech startup in Berlin. Our web-based CRM software helps our customers with the marketing of real estate. With our product, we have been successfully changing the real estate market for several years. We now belong to FLOWFACT and are part of the ImmoScout24 digital ecosystem. Together we advance innovative ideas in a data-driven environment.


  • Compensation: A competitive salary package and a bonus on top.  
  • Flexibility: Decide for yourself where you work most effectively. We offer you a hybrid working model, autonomous working time management and 30 days of vacation annually.  
  • Work from abroad: Our remote working policy includes the possibility to work from abroad for a few weeks per year (if it gets along with the business and team needs)
  • Relocation: Our relocation agency supports you with your visa process and an attractive relocation package.  
  • Use our products: As an employee you can take advantage of our plus membership for tenants on ImmoScout24 to find a new place to live.  
  • Development: Dedicated learning time per month, online courses on our ScoutAcademy, regular book challenges, structured feedback, “Lunch & Learn”-Events and individual career paths to push your career to the next level.    
  • Have kids? We'll support you with a professional family service, which helps you to find a childcare center or offers emergency childcare.    
  • Furry feel good manager: Bring your dog to work (upon approval, as we prioritise the well-being of our employees and ensure that our dog policy is considerate of allergic individuals and prevents overcrowding on each office floor). 
  • Mobility: We subsidize public transport or Job Bikes. 
  • Commitment to sustainability and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI): We have clear environmental and climate protection goals and are involved in social activities and charitable organizations throughout the year. We live the diversity. Our theme weeks on diversity, mental well-being, and other social issues give us time and space to develop ourselves on DEI and sustainability.
  • Pension scheme: We offer a company pension scheme and support your own contribution with an attractive subsidy.
  • Most innovative office: Our office is barrier-free and in the heart of Berlin right at the central station. It was awarded for the most innovative office concept. We have an own gym with regular courses, napping room, rooftop terrace, organic coffee, cafeteria, 100% green electricity and a massage therapist that comes in once a week.
  • Health: Life Situation Coaching, regular health check ups
  • We are a tech company: We work with the latest technical tools and hardware.  


How your role will look like:
  • Development of an innovative and high-quality cloud-based CRM software for the real estate market
  • Participation in the definition of architectures and the selection of technologies
  • Processing of a holistic range of tasks from conception to implementation to delivery to the customer via our cloud system
  • Use of agile, iterative development processes
  • Our tech-stack: Ruby 3, Ruby on Rails 7, AWS, Postgres, GraphQL, Elastic, Typescript, NodeJS and Vue


What you need to succeed:

  • You have at least five years of practical work experience. It doesn’t matter to us whether you have completed a degree or an apprenticeship
  • You have good programming skills in Vuejs or React
  • You are confident in using GitHub and AWS
  • You are interested in new technologies and innovative software
  • You have the will to make a difference and to be at the forefront with your own team
  • You are interested in agile software development, e.g. pair programming
  • Fluent in English and German is a bonus

Für diese Stelle bewerben

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        Ich erteile meine Einwilligung in die Speicherung, Verarbeitung, und Weitergabe meiner personenbezogenen Daten gemäß den hier abrufbaren, näheren Informationen zur Einwilligungserklärung. Ich kann meine Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen.

        If you want to be considered for any other job positions within the Scout24 Group, we need your agreement. 
        I agree to the collection, processing and use of my application and personal data in accordance with the linked terms of use regarding the processing of my application and personal data. I may revoke my consent at any time with regard to the future processing of my personal data.

        Datenschutzrechtliche Einwilligungserklärung / Data protection consent *

        Demographic questions

        Dear potential Scout, we genuinely care about diversity and inclusion therefore we hope you can answer our question which will be processed as anonymized data for statistical reasons to foster inclusivity and diversity. This data is separated from the recruitment process. Should you choose to not participate, simply click "I don't wish to answer". Not participating will not have any negative impact on your application, and your answer will not be identified with you individually. Thank you in advance!    Liebe/r potenzielle/r Scout, Diversität und Inklusion liegen uns am Herzen. Daher hoffen wir, dass du unsere Frage beantworten kannst. Diese wird aus statistischen Gründen anonymisiert verarbeitet, um Inklusion und Diversität zu fördern. Diese Daten beeinflussen nicht den Rekrutierungsprozess. Solltest du dich gegen eine Teilnahme entscheiden, klicke einfach auf „I don't wish to answer“. Eine Nichtteilnahme hat keine negativen Auswirkungen auf deine Bewerbung und deine Antwort wird nicht direkt deiner Person zugeordnet. Vielen Dank im Voraus!

        What gender do you identify as? / Mit welchem Geschlecht identifizierst du dich? *


        Deine Kontaktpersonen

        Alice Wrede
        Head of Talent Acquisition
        Gillian Moosmann
        Talent Acquisition Manager
        Fulya Sugecmez
        Senior Talent Acquisition Manager
        Akash Praharaj
        Senior Talent Acquisition Manager
        Cassy Elsner
        Senior Talent Acquisition Manager

        Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

        Wir als Scout24 schätzen und fördern die Vielfalt, die unsere Mitarbeitenden in das Unternehmen einbringen. Denn wir sind davon überzeugt, dass genau diese Vielfalt die Basis unseres Erfolgs ist. Wir können als Team nur dann unser Bestes geben, wenn du dich als Person sicher, geschätzt und respektiert fühlst. Wir heißen dich willkommen, so wie du bist. Bring dein wahres Ich mit in unser Team, das ein sicherer Raum für jede Person ist, mit allen geschlechtlichen und sexuellen Identitäten, Hautfarben, ethnischen Herkünften, Staatsbürgerschaften, Abstammungen, Religionen und Weltanschauungen, Behinderungen, Altern oder Familienständen. Bei Anfragen zur Chancengleichheit in unseren Rekrutierungsprozessen wende dich bitte an diversity@scout24.com.